Description of Migrenol Hypo
When the blood pressure measured in the morning upon waking is below 100\60 the body will be trying to raise it by any means: strong tea, brewed coffee, exercise, nicotine. Individuals suffering from arterial hypotension feel extremely bad in the morning and during the day, feeling better only in the evening when they start getting pathologically active and productive. Extreme forms of arterial hypotension are measured at 90\50 and below. This severely low blood pressure always leads to a disturbance of the cerebral blood flow on the verge of loss of consciousness, especially in hot weather, during sharp turns and bends of the head, during the fast transition from lying to sitting position, and during menstruation for women. Essential oils, which are fat-soluble components, get absorbed by the skin and the walls of blood vessels and quickly get into the bloodstream. This property of essential oils is highly effective in treating conditions of arterial hypotension. When applied over the projection of large arteries (vertebral, carotid), the therapeutic effect of essential oils is felt within minutes. The place of branching of the internal and external carotid arteries is rich in receptors. The arterial vessels in the head respond very quickly to changes in the receptor area by increasing their tone and regulating blood pressure. The oil does not even need to penetrate all the blood vessels! It is crucial that the receptor area, which regulates the entire vascular tone of the head, reacts. The oil acts quickly in severe forms of arterial hypotension, sometimes within just 1 minute. The oil can be used even when the person is unconscious. In this case, the oil can be applied not only over the projection of the carotid artery but also on the scalp for a faster and more potent effect. For people not undergoing any wellness programs for correction of hypoxia and toxicosis, the essential oil blend is recommended before using public transportation, visits to shopping centers, offices, bathing houses, and saunas, and especially before traveling by airplane. The oil absorbs best after the skin is treated with alcohol that removes the fatty layer on the skin surface. In children, it is better to apply the oil to the back of the neck above the projection of the vertebral arteries
- Lavender oil - 25-50%.
- Italian Lemon oil - 10-25 %
- Orange Musk MS - 10-25 %
- Field mint oil - 10-25 %
- Basil oil - 10-25 %
- Cypress oil - 5-10 %
Состав не имеет:
- Красителей, стабилизаторов и консервантов.
- Ароматизаторов, вкусовых добавок и сахара.
- Загустителей (крахмала и прочего).
- Глютена.
Рекомендации по применению:
- Принимать по 1-2 капсулы до приема пищи 1-3 раза в день*. Обязательно запить достаточным количеством чистой питьевой воды.
- При высоком артериальном давлении прием начать с 1 капсулы в сутки, утром. Следить за давлением.
- Длительность применения: от 3-х месяцев *
*При консультации специалиста суточная доза и длительность применения препарата могут быть увеличены в индивидуальном порядке.
Дополнительная информация:
Внимание: Не превышайте рекомендованную дозу.
Условия хранения: Хранить в сухом, недоступном для детей месте при температуре не выше 25 С.
После вскрытия упаковки хранить не более 3х месяцев.
Shelf life: 2 years
Страна производства: Германия
СГР: № АМ. от 27.11.2020
Условия хранения: Хранить в сухом, недоступном для детей месте при температуре не выше 25 С.
После вскрытия упаковки хранить не более 3х месяцев.
Shelf life: 2 years
Страна производства: Германия
СГР: № АМ. от 27.11.2020
Биологически активная добавка. Не является лекарством. Возможны противопоказания. Рекомендуется консультация со специалистом - Консультантом Технологом Здоровья.