Description of Antimegrin Hyper
Arterial hypertension in its early stages (up to 150\100) is asymptomatic and is often accompanied by a subjective feeling of health improvement. People report cheerfulness, good well-being not altered by external circumstances, clear brain, and high cognitive function in these cases. Occasionally, they complain of difficulty falling asleep and non-painful sensations in the head (pressure, squeezing, throbbing, heaviness). Facial hyperemia, especially during physical exertion, is quite frequent. Therefore, early forms of hypertension go on for years and decades without being appropriately addressed. However, the symptoms always become more pronounced when the blood pressure rises over 170\100. That’s when people usually start suspecting a rise in blood pressure and look for the cause. Without determining the actual cause of the high blood pressure, we cannot address it adequately (that's where RaDoTech testing comes in). The essential oil blend is used within a complex wellness program to regulate the arterial vessel tone and reduce overall vascular resistance. For thousands of years, Ayurvedic health practitioners have been empirically selecting the most effective oil blends for lowering blood pressure and reducing the number of complications of hypertension (hemorrhagic strokes, myocardial infarction). Timely assistance, especially in acute arterial hypertension, is a statistically proven method of prolonging life. In cases of arterial hypertension, the oil is applied to the skin above the artery and the large visible venous vessels. The skin over venous vessels is treated from the periphery to the center (on upper extremities from hand to elbow, on lower extremities from toes to knee). For arterial vessels, the direction is not as important. The speed of application is more critical, as well as monitoring the blood pressure decrease (once every 15 minutes). In vascular tone disorders without hypertension, you can use any oil and get the effect only from the peripheral vessels.
- Lavender oil - 25-50%.
- Lemon oil - 10-25%
- Orange Musk MS - 10-25%
- Wild mint oil - 10-25 %
- Lemon balm - 10-25 %
- Clary sage oil - 5-10 %
Состав не имеет:
- Красителей, стабилизаторов и консервантов.
- Ароматизаторов, вкусовых добавок и сахара.
- Загустителей (крахмала и прочего).
- Глютена.
Рекомендации по применению:
- Принимать по 1-2 капсулы до приема пищи 1-3 раза в день*. Обязательно запить достаточным количеством чистой питьевой воды.
- При высоком артериальном давлении прием начать с 1 капсулы в сутки, утром. Следить за давлением.
- Длительность применения: от 3-х месяцев *
*При консультации специалиста суточная доза и длительность применения препарата могут быть увеличены в индивидуальном порядке.
Дополнительная информация:
Внимание: Не превышайте рекомендованную дозу.
Условия хранения: Хранить в сухом, недоступном для детей месте при температуре не выше 25 С.
После вскрытия упаковки хранить не более 3х месяцев.
Shelf life: 2 years
Страна производства: Германия
СГР: № АМ. от 27.11.2020
Условия хранения: Хранить в сухом, недоступном для детей месте при температуре не выше 25 С.
После вскрытия упаковки хранить не более 3х месяцев.
Shelf life: 2 years
Страна производства: Германия
СГР: № АМ. от 27.11.2020
Биологически активная добавка. Не является лекарством. Возможны противопоказания. Рекомендуется консультация со специалистом - Консультантом Технологом Здоровья.